Body Ready Method
Train your body for a stronger, healthier pregnancy and birth with Body Ready Prenatal. The Body Ready Birth program is designed to teach your body and mind all the movements and positions that can help you have an easier, safer, and more efficient labor and birth.
Spinning Babies
An amazing resource to use throughout pregnacy. It is an approach to optimize the physical relationship between the bodies of the mother and baby for the easing of childbirth.
Evidence Based Birth
Your trusted non-biased source for the most current evidence-based information on pregnancy and childbirth providing you with great articles and resources.
/ma tres ens/ n.: the process of becoming a mother. Matrescence guides expectant moms and their families through the fourth trimester planning process, placing mom’s emotional and physical recovery needs at the center.
Motherboard Birth
I am a proud founding partner of Motherboard birth. It is an incredible educational resource for families birthing at hospitals. Its purpose is to help families be informed and empowered, and respectfully supported by their care team. In this interactive software, families learn and understand physiologic birth and know that they have options and autonomy to make informed decisions.
Supporting parents at work. Know your rights. The advocate you can trust to protect your rights as a mother. Our mission is to empower and inspire women to become educated about their rights at work so they can embrace their motherhood journey without compromising their career growth.
La Leche League Arizona
Breastfeeding is natural, but it does not always come naturally. Leaders have completed extensive training, have been accredited through La Leche League International, and are experienced in providing information and support to other breastfeeding parents by phone and in person. Whether you are working or home with your baby, LLL can help you reach your breastfeeding goals.
Ina May Gaskin
“The mother of authentic midwifery.” Drawing upon her thirty-plus years of experience, Ina May Gaskin shares the benefits and joys of natural childbirth by showing women how to trust in the ancient wisdom of their bodies for a healthy and fulfilling birthing experience.
International Cesarean Awareness Network
ICAN is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve maternal-child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through education, providing support for cesarean recovery, and promoting Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC).
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
There are many persistent and pervasive myths about vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). The result is a 86% repeat cesarean rate in America among women with one prior cesarean despite the fact that most women are candidates for VBAC and most VBACs are successful. Know the facts!
Mama Natural
Natural. Healthy. Happy. Whether you are pregnant, caring for your baby, interested in gentle parenting or just want to be more natural yourself, you’ll find resources here to help.
Crowned Photography
Have you ever seen a real live birth? Media portrays birth in very unrealistic ways that can have a negative impact on our perceptions of birth. I highly recommend for first time parents to watch a few of these videos to see what real birth can actually looks like. Crowned Photography does an incredible job capturing the beauty of birth on video and photography while keeping it modest.